Travelling with diabetes
Whether you’re a new or a seasoned traveller, planning a trip can be both fun and stressful at the same time - especially if you’re travelling with diabetes. In addition to packing the right clothes and shoes and double-checking that you have everything you need to travel, you also need to bring your diabetes therapy supplies and manage your blood sugar on the go.
While this may sound a bit overwhelming, you can manage what you need to with some thoughtful planning and preparation. Here are some basic tips for travelling with diabetes to help you be well-prepared for your journey and time away from home.
Double up on diabetes management supplies
When travelling with insulin and other diabetes supplies, it’s important to determine how much you’ll need to bring on your trip.
As a general guideline, pack double the amount of insulin and other diabetes management supplies, such as test strips, you need for the time you’ll be away. That means one week of travel equals two weeks of diabetes supplies.
Take double the testing supplies, medications, low blood sugar treatments, pump accessories, and other medical items you think you'll need. If you use a pump, pack a backup, as though you expect it to stop working on the first day.
If you're flying, keep your supplies in your carry-on baggage so you don't have to worry about any supplies in your hold luggage being delayed or not arriving at all.
For road trips, use an insulated bag to avoid your diabetes supplies overheating in your car. Heat can have a negative effect on the stability of insulin or the function of devices such as your pump.1 Please also consult the manufacturer's instructions for your insulin and other devices.
Bring your own snacks
The availability of food can be inconsistent when you’re travelling. Airlines may not serve full meals or snacks without a fee, and you may experience delays. Roadside dining may not offer options that fit your diabetes diet, whereas cruise ships often have an overabundance of foods and drinks.
That’s why packing a few (or a dozen, depending on how long and far you’re travelling) snacks, nuts, or fruit bars with predictable carb counts can come in handy.
Pay attention to your blood sugar
Travelling can often be disruptive to your regular routine. Walking an extra 20,000 steps a day, eating meals late at night, or changing your sleep schedule can impact your blood glucose levels in unpredictable ways.
Before leaving for your trip, discuss your travel itinerary with your healthcare provider, including any changes in your blood sugar.
Be open about your diabetes diagnosis
Tell airport security, travel companions, hosts, and anyone else who needs to know that you have diabetes. Let people know what low blood sugar levels look like for you.
A note from your doctor can also be helpful to explain the extra syringes, insulin pens, infusion sets, medications, and containers of used sharp objects in your bag.