4 mins

How to manage your diabetes using our mySugr® app

Keeping track of your diabetes data is a lot of work. However, diabetes and data go hand in hand. Without data, it's hard to know what to change or where to focus. Here's how our mySugr app* can help. 

17 June 2024
Lady using the mySugr app

Diabetes data at your fingertips doesn’t just provide ease of access, but can also help you to better manage your diabetes. When you record your diabetes information, correlations between blood sugar, food intake, physical activity, insulin dosage, etc., become much clearer and easier to understand, and will allow you to identify patterns quickly. 

Plus, with complete and accurate data, your healthcare team can better support you. For example, by making adjustments to your therapy and advising you on how you could better manage your diabetes. 

App settings - units and target ranges

To make the most of mySugr, first things first, we need a few details from you. This includes the units your meter measures blood glucose in (this is mmol/L in the UK and Ireland), and the carbs unit (grams in the UK and Ireland). Do you use insulin? If so, is it with pens/syringes, or do you use an insulin pump?

Setting these therapy details as well as your specific target ranges help us craft a great experience for you. All of these things are in the “Therapy” tab of the “Settings & Profile” item in the side menu.

How can my readings be automatically logged from a connected device?

Once you connect your Accu-Chek blood glucose meter with our mySugr app, your meter will automatically log your blood sugar readings into the app, so there is no need to flick through paper logbooks anymore! Patterns are easier to spot and the information within the app is immediately useful. With one quick glance, you can get an overview of your day and week. You can also search for tags, keywords, or locations. Everything is available in a few taps in the app.

Need help with connecting Accu-Chek Instant with our mySugr app?

Access support

How do I manually log my diabetes data using mySugr?

Start by tapping on the “+” on your mySugr dashboard. From there, you arrive at your logging screen. There’s one field for each item you may want to log (you can take a look at the overview of the different items below).

The time and date are automatically set, and so is the location (as long as location services are enabled). You can, of course, change any of these by tapping on them, to enter readings from earlier in the day or another day altogether.

Pro Tips: 

  1. When changing the date or time, always change the day first otherwise mySugr thinks you are trying to save data in the future.
  2. You can assign labels and icons to locations (home, work, gym, etc.). Tap the location field, type a label, pick an icon, enjoy!

Once you’re done filling the fields, scroll down and tap on “save” or tap directly on the green check in the top right corner. You’ll be back on your home screen, and your entry will appear on your list. Swipe an entry to the right to reveal an action bar with options to share, edit or delete.

From there, just tap on what you need. When tapping on “edit”, you’ll be led back to the logging screen, pre-filled with the data you had in this entry. Just change what you need and save it again.

Logging in mySugr

What can I log in mySugr?

We have created fields to cover many facets of therapy as treatment-related information (like insulin doses and pills), key measurements, vital data, food, activity, notes and lots of other contextual information.

Type Type
Treatment <ul><li>Insulin (food) alias your meal bolus</li><li>Insulin (correction) alias correction</li><li>Insulin (basal) alias slow insulin</li><li>Temporary Basal</li><li>Pills</li></ul>
Food <ul><li>Meal description</li><li>Carbs Content</li><li>Food types/groups</li><li>Pictures</li></ul>
Activity <ul><li>Activity description</li><li>Activity Duration</li><li>Steps</li></ul>
Vital Data <ul><li>Blood Pressure</li><li>Weight</li></ul>
Key Measurements <ul><li>Blood Glucose</li><li>Ketones</li><li>HbA1c</li></ul>
Context <ul><li>Time</li><li>Location</li><li>Tags</li><li>Notes</li></ul>

Whilst having all of these options may seem overwhelming, there are two points to remember:

  1. Firstly, they are all optional. You can create an entry with data in every field, or if you can create an entry with only a tag or note, that’s fine. It’s completely up to you.
  2. Secondly, you can hide fields you're not interested in, and even rearrange the order on your screen. That means you get to decide what’s most important to you and where it is on your screen.

To make life easier, you can connect your Accu-Chek Instant meter and other connected devices to automatically log your data. You can find a list of available devices in the "Connections" menu item.

mySugr settings screens

How do I set blood glucose reminders?

The reminder is the alarm bell at the very top of your logging screen (unless you’ve already moved it)**. If you cannot see reminders, you may need to tap on "Show all fields" to make it visible.

Blood glucose reminders are there to help remind you to do something shortly (15 minutes - 3 hours) after your entry. Use it to remember your post-meal blood sugar check, or to take your shot at the end of a meal when you have a low… your imagination is the limit!

To set a reminder, just set the desired time. At that time, your alarm will ring, and you’ll get a notification. 

mySugr reminders

Using tags to add context

Every piece of your diabetes data has a story, and using the tags in the mySugr app helps to tell that story. They can help you to better understand your diabetes and what affects your blood sugar. They help you to find patterns in your values and interpret your data. Therapy optimisation is way easier with some context.

When you create a new entry or edit an automatic log from your connected device, you'll find almost 50 tags that you can use to help add context, or tell the story of that entry. You can easily select them with a quick fingertip tap. 

mySugr tags

How can I share my data from the mySugr app?

Sharing your diabetes information with your healthcare professional can help them better support you, whether it helps them to better prepare for your appointments to allow more time to discuss what's important to you, or provide you with additional support between appointments, such as check-in messages and treatment adjustments.

Your can choose to share your diabetes-relevant data with your healthcare professional from the mySugr app, in two ways:

  1. PDF, Excel** or CSV blood glucose reports that are created directly in the mySugr app
  2. Seamlessly to your healthcare professional's system in three easy steps.


mySugr data sharing

*Please note: You must be at least 18 years old to register for the Accu-Chek Account. Please see the manual for intended use.

**mySugr Pro Feature: Users will need to sync their blood glucose values as at least once every 30 days to maintain access to all mySugr Pro features.


Learn more about our mySugr app

Rather than carrying around paper diaries, you could use the mySugr app to record all of your diabetes information in one easily accessible place.